cottage toilets to whole-house composters with micro-flush toilets
and graywater gardens, The Composting Toilet System Book
covers a wide realm of ecological toilet options. Composting toilet
systems and other ecological wastewater management methods are emerging
as viable and cost-saving alternatives to wastewater disposal systems
worldwide. The book details whyand how to choose, install
and maintain them. In this book, you will find
- Descriptions
of more than 40 systemsboth manufactured and site-builtand
their sources
- Compatible
toilet stools and micro-flush toilet installation tips
- Tips
on choosing, planning, installing and maintaining your composting
toilet system (including what manufacturers don't tell you!)
- The
experiences of owner-operators worldwide
- What
you should know about graywater systems
- Regulations
and advice about getting your system approved
Composting Toilet System Book contains the information you need
to choose and maintain composting toilet systems and other alternatives
to sewer and septic systems. Long used by off-the-grid homeowners,
parks and cottage owners, composting toilet systems are now making
their way into conventional year-round homes. The technology has
improved and is available in styles compatible with upscale bathrooms.
In addition to providing technical information on various systems,
the book profiles composting toilet system applications worldwide,
provides United States permitting information, and features key
maintenance and operation information that the manufacturers do
not provide. The book also contains information about using these
systems with graywater systems and flush toilets. Find out how you
can have a smaller leachfield, reduce pollution, and help arm yourself
and your community against the skyrocketing water and sewage costs
of the future.
book is co-authored by David Del Porto, who has sold and serviced
thousands of several models and brands of composting toilet systems
since 1972. He has also helped write regulations and performance
standards for these systems, and has designed composting toilet
and graywater systems for Greenpeace and for developing countries.
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