
Villa Eco-Toilet
For nearly all applications
Specify 110-volt fan (Villa 9200) or 12-volt fan (Villa 9210)
Separett Villa is a modern, urine-separating, environmentally friendly
toilet with the capacity to cope with both summer and permanent
housing needs. Using the Separett Villa is as natural as using a
water-flush toilet. It has the same stability and a seat that is
both comfortable to sit on and easy to keep clean. The rotating
container spreads the waste evenly and the fan rapidly ventilates
and helps dry the contents. As the liquid and solid wastes are never
mixed, there is no latrine-type odor.
seat is now standard with every Villa.
$989 (price subject to change)
here for more about The Villa
Privy Kit Original 500
urine diverter only to make your own system or to improve an existing
pit latrine
The Separett Privy kit transforms your outdoor toilet into a modern
urine-separating toilet. As urine and solids are separated, you
are spared latrine odor and the waste is very easy to take care
of. Feces collect in the latrine or a garbage bag while urine drains
via a hose to a soakaway or tank. The kit is easily installed under
the bench of the outdoor toilet. To ensure comfort all-year-round,
the kit includes a seat that feels warm as soon as you sit down.
with plans for making a urine-diverting composting toilet and a
graywater system.
$129 (price subject to change)
here for more about The Privy Kit 500
Privy Kit with Seat and Lid 501
urine diverter only to make your own system or to improve an existing
pit latrine
The Separett Privy kit transforms your outdoor toilet into a modern
urine-separating toilet. As urine and solids are separated, you
are spared latrine odor and the waste is very easy to take care
of. Feces collect in the latrine or a garbage bag while urine drains
via a hose to a soakaway or tank. The kit is easily installed under
the bench of the outdoor toilet. To ensure comfort all-year-round,
the kit includes a seat that feels warm as soon as you sit down.
with plans for making a urine-diverting composting toilet and a
graywater system.
$199 (price subject to change)
here for more about The Privy Kit 501
Head Composting Toilet for Boat, RV, etc.
For boats, trucks,
RVs and more
The Nature's Head brings
composting toilet convenience to your boat: No complicated and often-failing
valves, no lingering odors, no pumpout worries, no pollution! Just
clean sailing.
Head is also a great solution for truck cabs, RVs, vans, and wherever
a small-footprint eco-toilet is needed for occasional use.
a free copy of Liquid Gold.
$925 (price subject to change)
here for more about Nature's Head
Kit for Portable Eco-Sanitation
The Rescue Kit is a folding stand attached to a urine diverting
seat that drains urine to a trench you can dig with the handy mini-shovel
(included) or any 1-gallon container you supply. Solids drop to
a biodegradeable bag, which can be composted, discarded, buried,
or burned. Now comes with a lid.
$139 (price subject to change)
here for more information
Dry Urinal
These fiberglass urinals are made by women's cooperatives in Mexico.
We make them available as a low-cost urinal option for the guys
who don't wish to urinate sitting down! Note: These urinals come
in different colors, usually gray-blue.
$72 (price subject to change)
here for more information
Basic Dry Urinal
This gray plastic urinal is nothing special to look at, but you
can't beat the price! Fitted with a splash guard and featuring a
2-inch outlet, this urinal is ideal for workshop, and cottage, studio.
$54 (price subject to change)
here for more information

Compost Crank
The easiest way to turn compost in enclosed composters and planters
as well as for trenching compost or urine into soils!
$27 (price subject to change)
Order Items |
Porcelain Urine-Diverting Toilet
Ekologen Porcelain Urine-Diverting Toilet Stools provide an attractive
urine-diverting option for making your own system (with an aerated
barrel or other container) or to reduce the load on a below-floor
composting toilet.
$818 (price subject to change)
here for more information
Fiberglass Urine-Diverting Toilet
This is a very special order item from Mexico. These fiberglass
urinals are made by women's cooperatives in Mexico and come to us
in a grayish blue color that looks nice in white bathrooms.

Urine-Diverting Toilet
Flush urine with .05 gallons (.2 liter) and solids with 1.2 gallons
(4.5 liters). These are designed for use with septic systems and
sewers, as the solids flush volume is high for most composting toilets.
Store the urine in tanks or grow it away with a GrowAway Garden
(Recirculating Wastewater Garden in Massachusetts and Eco-Cyclet
in Wisconsin and Canada).
$839 (price subject to change)
here for more information
with... |
Gold: The Lore and Logic of Using Urine to Grow Plants
Every day, we
urinate nutrients that can fertilize plants that could be used for
beautiful landscapes, food, fuel, and fiber. Instead, these nutrients
are flushed away, either to be treated at high cost or discharged
to waters where they overfertilize and choke off aquatic life.
Liquid Gold:
The Lore and Logic of Using Urine to Grow Plants tells you how
urineÑwhich contains most of the nutrients in domestic wastewater
and usually carries no disease riskÑcan be utilized as a resource.
Starting with a short history of urine useÑfrom ritual to medicinal
to even culinaryÑand a look at some unexpected urinals, Liquid
Gold shows how urine is used worldwide to grow food and landscapes,
while protecting the environment, saving its users the cost of fertilizer,
and reconnecting people to the land and the nutrient cycles that
sustain them. That's real flower power!
$3 USPO shipping
Click here for more information
Composting Toilet System Book
Learn about a wide world of composting toilet and graywater system
options! The Composting Toilet System Book shows you systems
you can construct or buy, how to install them, maintain them and
get local approvals.
+ free shipping
Click here for more information
the Resource: Adventures in Ecological Wastewater Recycling
Wastewater is increasingly viewed as a resource, not a pollutant,
worldwide. See 55+ examples of ecological approaches to wastewater
management, from a house that uses up all of its wastewater to cities
that are powered, heated and cooled with their wastewater.
+ free shipping