Email Ecovita

3800 Rte. 28

at the Pecks Boats/Cotuit Solar Complex
Marstons Mills, MA 02648

Ecovita West
101 S. Delaware Street

San Mateo, CA 94401



The Privy Kit 501 with Seat and Lid
A urine-diverter that makes constructing your own composting toilet—or improving an existing latrine—easy!


The Privy Kit 501 transforms your outdoor toilet into a urine-diverting toilet. The advantage: By keeping urine and solids separate, you are spared latrine odor, and waste is easier to manage.

Feces and other solids can flow to a latrine, vault, pail, barrel composter (such as a garbage can or 55-gallon barrel turned into a composter), manufactured composting toilet, or even a biodegradeable plastic garbage bag, while urine is routed via a hose to a soakaway, tank or composter.

The urine hose twists on and off the diverter.

The removable plastic seat and lid provide a fresh and formal appearance suitable for any bathroom.

Included: 3 sets of free downloadable plans for making composting toilets.

Click here to see a photo and diagram of one installation.

Price: $199

Click here for ordering information

Material: Seat of polyethylene plastic, urine bowl of recyclable plastic

Hose: Urine waste hose, 6.5 ft. (2 m) inner ¯ 1.25 in. (32 mm)

Height: Existing outdoor toilet

Breadth: 14.76 ins. (375 mm)

Depth: 17.7 ins. (450 mm)

Ventilation: Existing ventilation in outdoor toilet

Included as standard: Seat, lid, urine-separating kit, urine hose.