- Odor-free
- Easy
to use and maintain
- Attractive
- Least
cost compared to other ecological toilets

eco-toilets provide odor-less, comfortable and attractive
sanitation without a septic or sewer system!
Drain the urine to a soakaway, graywater system, septic
tank, urine composter or collection tank. Compost
or dispose the dry solids.
Separett of Sweden Urine-Diverting Composting Toilets
Ecovita introduced Separett
urine-diverting composting toilets to North America
in 1999. For cottages and new additions, sauna and
pool rooms, studios, boats, events, and more--Separett
urine-diverting composting toilets and waterless urinals
provide attractive, inexpensive, easy-to-maintain,
odor-free ecological sanitation for waterwise
The Composting Toilet System Book and other
This book tells you all you need to know to buy or
build a water-less or micro-flush composting toilet,
with chapters on maintenance, installation profiles
and graywater systems.
Ekologen Urine-Diverting Toilets
for something else?
For plans for build-it-yourself
composting toilets:EcoWaters

Flynn with her Eco-Flush toilet in Orleans, Mass.